Ara Luschia Invenes
The gentle, kind, and scholarly angelic Healer.

- Name pronunciation: Ah-rah Loo-shee-yah In-veen-ehs
- Species: Angel, subspecies; Archangel
- Age: One hundred, as of the events of Everdark
- Pronouns: She/her
- Affiliation: None
- Birthplace: Assisi
- Aliases: None
Ara was born in the early Sixth Age to Lucifer Invenes and Persephone Invenes, on Haven of Assisi.
Due to her father's illicit activities, which her mother took great pains to hide from her, Ara grew up extremely sheltered -- to the point of almost total isolation. This caused her to withdraw into herself, sensing the discord in her home but not wanting to add to her beloved mother's stress or draw the dubious attention of her quick-tempered, cold father. She learned about the world through the books her father brought her, and so the library quickly became her favorite spot, a place where she could tune out her hellish family situation with its uneasy façade of peace.
She learned of her Healing power at a very young age, and, despite being untrained other than what she learned through books, managed to become proficient in it. It has always bothered her that she'd reached over one hundred without earning a single wing.
Ara is the penultimate lover of knowledge. She's cool-headed -- even under duress -- choosing to be pragmatic and see the logical perspective over the emotional. Contrasting that, she's empathetic almost to a fault, and oddly vain and self-deprecating at times. She doesn't see her own achievements or skills as being anything particularly special; both because there are people better than her and because she's keenly aware of her own failures and shortcomings. Her empathy can cause her to be reckless and impulsive at times, especially if it is to help others. Despite this, she's not a pushover by any means. She's quick-witted and sensitive to the emotions of others, which makes her both a wonderful caregiver and a terrifying force to anyone who believes they can take advantage of her kindness. While she engages in grief openly, she tends to keep her joy to herself, gets embarrassed easily, and finds anger counterproductive.
A five-foot-tall, slim and androgynous figure, Ara has very pale skin and white-blonde hair that is so long it drags on the floor. She has huge eyes so dark a blue they are almost black, with thick lashes and heavy, straight brows. Her nose is pert and small, and she has a full, small mouth with no cupid's bow. She has a round, small face. Her horns are faceted iridescent; a nubby central horn in the middle of her forehead and two horns reminiscent of thick tree branches arcing close to her head on either side of the central horn.
She tends to dress very conservatively; not out of embarrassment of people seeing her body or some misplaced sense of what is 'proper,' but just because she's more comfortable that way.
Ara is absolutely against personally engaging in combat of any kind at all. While she fully understands the need for combat and will actively support her friends in battle with protection spells and Healing, she herself will not raise a weapon. She relies on defensive magic (and she is rarely alone) to protect herself in the event she is engaged directly, but if she is at a disadvantage, she will not hesitate to escape using any method necessary.
- Lucifer Invenes (father)
- Persephone Invenes (mother)
- Lutius Invenes (uncle, father's side)
Ara is everyone's friend, though her closer relationships are below:
- Redd (best friend/soul sister)
- Arrista Legaia
- Chani Abyss
Ara and Pheonix are in an exclusive romantic relationship. Ara is asexual (and she sits on the 'oh, no thank you' *sets it carefully on the ground and backs away* side of the spectrum for sex), and if it weren't Pheonix, she probably wouldn't have been interested in any kind of relationship at all.